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Byline Bancorp Inc

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Don’t be a regard by buying individual stocks. Invest in index funds. Head over to /r/bogleheads
Dude, since its a 401k you've fucking made it. Quit trading, buy VOO, set it to reinvest the dividends and by the time you retire you'll be a multi millionaire.
You're wild. 200 by september... good luck.
This is possibly the best way to lose it all that I’ve ever heard. Death by a 1000 cuts.
Judging by OPs name, yeah- they probably just bought shares in a broad index fund and chilled.
I sold calls on the bounce and lost a ton but slowly making it back selling the 250cs since it’s been plateau there PS arkk has a large % in coin so by that token it should go down
The greeks taking out regards by the herd. Consider yourself lucky for not blowing up.
You got fucked by the Greeks
We all got burned by buying COIN at some point. It’s ok bro
My first response when I heard of this was that they had to put the poor guy that pushed it out on suicide watch or something. I can't even imagine fucking up at that scale. Based on what I heard it sounds like their automated QA pipeline failed and it exposed an unknown bug in their driver; which means it's unlikely any one person was at fault. This is another great example of the value of SRE and the 'blameless' model; ideally you want to build systems that \*can't\* be broken by a single person.
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