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As a person who has a habit of lighting his money on fire…what the fuck bro?! U r gonna meet someone called Theta who will fuck your premium with every fucking green candle. Tell me, honestly…do u really, like really fucking believe, that TSLA is gonna go below $156 by 9/20?
Since we have a democrat in office, I think it's our turn to fly off the rails with conspiracies. So here goes nothing This is all a hoax, pushed by the Trump organization to try and take over the country. Trump and his buddies in Russia used a black site lab in Ukraine to make the virus to try and kill biden. Republicans are trying to crash the economy with this fake virus to take over the country
You got to follow the steps: Airports shut down, old man in Washington says everything is fine, shit isn't fine, people fight for TP, ***Fed cuts rates first***, then fed prints trillions, cities get shut down, enhanced unemployment benefits, PPP, free school lunches, EIDL, and THEN stimmy checks. Give Bird flu a few weeks to explode. My guess is rate cuts by Sept 17-18, 2024.
I actually found this picture in a Discord for a well known trading group…are you there by any chance?
From the fundamentals side, I made a massive killing off Adobe calls last earnings. My thesis at the time was that their AI offerings were in a period of hype and they would have a massive uptick greater than expected as a result of trials and subscriptions from eager AI fanboys. At the time, Reddit groups on Adobe were very annoyed at the service and poor performance, and I predicted that if it went up big on those earnings, it would be brought down to earth big time during the next earnings as a triple whammy due to the three following issues 1. The AI hype would not materialize into meaningful growth 2. The core user base would be disenfranchised from the product 3. Commercial art being taken over by AI would result in a migration from adobe to mid journey AI hype has very intensely been contracting, and there has been no positive motion to counteract this belief All that to say your technicals appear in line with my personal understanding of the fundamentals Puts will print
[]( It's a complex issue with mRNA patent litigation, government contracts, production capacities and so on. I have written a lot more about that on Reddit and elsewhere. Take a look at Moderna, they would be the first to develop an mRNA vaccine and got government funding for phase 3 trials: []( CureVac and GSK are also developing an mRNA vaccine, but with the licensing agreements and patent litigation it's more complicated: []( []( []( Cidara is very promising, with a much lower market cap. Phase 2b trials for CD388 are starting this year. "The private placement provides $240 million in gross proceeds that will be used by Cidara to develop CD388 as a universal preventative against seasonal and pandemic influenza A and B, beginning with a Phase 2b clinical trial in the upcoming Northern Hemisphere influenza season. The proceeds from the private placement fund the upfront payment under the agreement with Johnson & Johnson and are expected to provide runway beyond topline data from CD388’s Phase 2b trial." []( They actually have a company presentation on Monday: []( Check out their website, they even made a video for Youtube: []( []( You can see typical press coverage below, but be careful about Novavax, they somehow always get mentioned, but never answered my requests for clarification: [](
Yeah I was a little more grumpy and hostile in the morning. Explain this to me. Let's say you start a company, for the good of society like a retirement home. You have very tight margins so you don't make much money. But people see the good in it and invest. You had to take on other partners to make sure there was enough money to build and do a few other things. The value of the stock goes up to make your implied wealth over 100m but it's all from the stock. You own majority share but not by much. Your unrealized gains becomes 90 million. So you owe 22.5 million. You will lose controlling share of the company if you sell, and the cut throat investors well take over... Explain to me what protections are against this? IMO it's a terrible plan, they can simply close the loop hole by taxing loans against your stock in the same manner.
NVTS heading towards $2 or below, when I may consider starting a position. The company may not be profitable until 2027, as revenue must be $200M in the management's own words to breakeven. Maybe with higher R&D and other operational costs, it would be $250M to make a profit. That is almost impossible by 2026. How much cash runway NVTS has? How is the probable of a fund raise? If stock trades sub-$2, it could be a big dilution.
After being 20% up for the year, I lost 70% of my port during the last few months. I need to make 100% profit by the end of the year to break even. I started a few weeks ago, and I'm actually on track to getting there. I can't believe I'm fighting so hard to get back to 0%. I could've just not traded for the whole year and had the same results with none of the stress lol
The only thing I've found that works to avoid the inevitable second guessing is to buy spreads. That forces you to wait until the day of expiration to get most of the profit out of the trade, and you don't have to worry about trying to pick the top or bottom of a move. If you want to increase your profit potential, you can still do that by buying more spread contracts.
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