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S&P 500 ETF Vanguard

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Move it to VOO/VTO/SPY and call it quits. You had your wins and your luck! Stop while you are VERY ahead, haha.
Please be smart and just put most of that into an ETF like VOO. That stocks you listed are all concerning IMO.
Think a good strategy would be to just let this sit in VOO or equivalent and open up a new brokerage for options plays? Then your 401k is actually for retirement and your new account is all options cowboy plays. You have to start from scratch again, but probably way lower commissions outside the 401k right?
Dude, since its a 401k you've fucking made it. Quit trading, buy VOO, set it to reinvest the dividends and by the time you retire you'll be a multi millionaire.
Just buy VOO and live a happy life.
Just buy voo and chill, don’t worry about individual stocks
That's about what I thought, just wanted to confirm lol. You're a lucky man. Now go buy VOO/SPY exclusively and move on with your life.
I lost $800 thanks to this subreddit when I was in college and $800 was a lot of money, that's honestly the best thing that could've happened because now I just buy VOO and it's free money.
Today I have decided to sell everything and go all VOO/SGOV. But I know Monday I will be yelling OPEN THE CASINO I hate myself
I sold the last of my KHC bags when it peeked today, overall about a 2k loss which was 2.7k at one point. Campbell's missed earnings badly a couple weeks ago, KHC isnt expected to do well, and I couldn't take the thought of those bags getting even heavier. Dividend was nice but at 5% I'm better off dumping it into VOO. Wish I did that in the first place.
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