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Been up and down on NVDA both buying and selling calls/puts. All I’ve learned is either diamond hand the losses to 0 or take the 2x if I’m feeling skittish. Riding Sep 20 120s since Sep 3.
You have to be clinically regarded to think that buying NVDA shares at its current price is a good entry point. You shouldn't encourage him to squander the rest of his tuition, it will probably go back to the low 100s or 90s at some point.
If NVDAismygod is roasting you for buying NVDA you have failed
I completely agree, putting all your eggs in one basket and buying NVDA at the current price is a horrible play. It's unlikely you'll make your money back via 124 shares anytime soon. It's always better to do your own research, don't follow the hype or crowd, and avoid FOMO. I'm not saying it can't happen, but statistically speaking, it's highly unlikely.
Dude absolutely a horrible play. You will not make your money back via 124 NVDA shares anytime soon, theres just no way that is happening. If you put it all into like $105 calls when it was in the low 100s recently maybe you'd be well on your way but this is not going to end the way you think it will. Don't follow the hype, don't follow the crowd, don't FOMO into something it never ends well.
You bought NVDA today?
nope, it hit my stop loss and i said i was done. sold them promptly. the odds that it took off again was very low in my book. i'd rather loss 5k then lose the entire port. remember these amd calls and nvdas were 2 DTE, tomroorw. i took the 5k loss on amd first.. so that ruined my mentality. then when nvda went up .04 i took at it and ran. i did sell some 60 days i bought at 4.00 for $9.00 on amd when it skyrocketed. pretty much evened out the loss.
You're down 60% so you need a 2.5x win to make it back into the green. You plan on NVDA 2.5x by Jan 2025? You might be regarded. Stay away from the military, we already have too many regards there.
So you felt strongly enough to buy calls but not to double down, and even more so sold? Seems like you shouldn't be buying calls with paper hands or a strong thesis. NvDA did not change. The reddit sentiment did
Dang, it ripped so hard last time up from 100 and it’s hard to believe it’s doing it again. But here we are. I don’t like nvda options because of the swings. Been burned too many times
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