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Bancorpsouth Bank 5.50% Prf Perpetual USD

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Nevermind any lifelong complications as long as you survive it basically means it’s a joke disease 👍
I read for a hot minute and then I was just scrooooooooooooooooooolling.
5-15% mortality rate and you guys are worried about stonks lmao, there won't be a country left.
I met a homeless man who told me that the Jack in the Box we were outside of was constructed of the tiles of Space Shuttle Columbia and that ants were eating it and it was going to collapse soon. I wonder if we talked to the same guy.
It’s unfortunate that a lot of false messaging from certain media and poor messaging from the government led to a large percentage of people thinking the way you do. But vaccines never prevent you catching a disease. They only help you fight it or keep the viral load so low it has no effect on the person. Specifically in the Covid story the idea that it was overblown is frustrating because it only appears that way because we got a vaccine out right away and government mandates got enough ppl vaxed to reach heard immunity. Back in may 2020 the death rate for Covid was 5% in general but significantly higher for people over 50. In 2021 it was the third leading cause of death so it’s not as trivial as the news would have you believe. 2022 saw the lowest number of deaths from Covid coming in 47% lower than 2021. We got lucky vaccines came oit and the disease muted into something less dangerous.
what the hell! where do you live??? Was it a different clade of bird flu than h5N1?
Haha, yeah, it's definitely a lot to take in. But hey, at least you know how to spice up a stock report
It's not a nothing burger... people and banks lost real wealth holding bonds. It's impossible for those bonds to "recover their value" because inflation has wiped out roughly 30% of their value. The dollars that were used to buy them are much more valuable than the dollars that will be used to repay them.
A plucky pleasant pheasant plucker peasant fucker?
“I need to remove a cylinder from an M&M’s container without damaging the cylinder.”
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