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Palantir Technologies Inc.

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What you guys think of PLTR shares long term
**Ban Bet Created:** **/u/RisingToMediocrity** bet **PLTR** goes from **25.8** to **24.5** before **02-Aug-2024 04:22 AM EDT** Their record is 10 wins and 10 losses. [**Join WSB Discord**](
!banbet pltr $24.50 8d
its incredible how PLTR always makes wsb bag holders, ever since 2020.
mr Alex Karp please dump some PLTR and resurrect my puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)
The reason why Google is down is because the CEO sandbagged the question about AI monetization. If you were listening to earnings, the answer to that question started the slide down. They are spending billions on AI with no clear way to substantially monetize it. They also have the attitude that it's better to overspend than underspend. It's becoming more and more clear that everyone has the same mindset and that in a couple years, there will be way too much AI chatbots and the like. The markets are starting to price this in now. I foresaw all of this, shorted PLTR heavily yesterday expecting AI stuff to crash today, and covered as soon as the crash started to happen and made peanuts relative to what I should have made if I followed my own plan. I feel like a jackass.
Down $2000 on the day DAME AAPL 100 🪑 @ 215 NVDA 75 🪑 NVDA 3 short put spreads 120/110 9/20 expy PLTR 201 🪑 22.83 STWD 1178 🪑 19.08
Crwd I get, but why pltr? The stock is a good stock
It's mental to me that people are still able to come out of the woodwork every time palantir is mentioned and say they bought at 35. Data shows that over 90% of any share ever purchased is in the green now, and it blows my mind that people that looked at that stock in 2021 and liked it were not willing to buy it at 7 in 2022/early 2023. I had thousands of shares in the 20 range in 2021 and sold calls and those allllll the way down, but bought thousands and thousands more shares in the single digits and I'm up +200k right now. Why the fuck would someone want PLTR at 35 but not at 10? It's fucking mindblowing how stupid these people are.
Why is PLTR being pushed hard on X.
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