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You sure? Didn't you read the via oxidation issue? What makes you think the voltage bug is not a byproduct of that? The via issue is more fundamental. A simple code will not change that...INTC is a gone case. .![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Same buy INTC 60$
>Chip Stocks Are Bottoming, Including $NVDA. >Looks at my INTC >-34.32% YTD >-40% 5YR >Lower than it was in 1998 Man... FU. I was having a decent morning until I saw your post and checked my INTC.
Intc is the new intc ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
I'd rather go for the low hanging fruit, INTC puts next week.
Buy INTC puts.....thats free money....![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Am I regarded for considering full porting INTC calls
That's kinda unfair, INTC had some banger products in the early 2010s, they were untouchable 
>This issue only affects consumer CPUs. Server CPUs, where Intel makes there money Tell me you have never read an INTC 10-Q without telling me
From the brief look I had at various media reports over the last few months, there seem to be up to 3 separate issues (an OP likely mentions them, couldn't be bothered to read that wall of text): * excessive voltage - initially blamed on mobo producers but the issue is murky at best, the theory is that this is what the microcode fix will address ? * communication ring design flaw - jury is still out although I've seen it mentioned couple of times and if it's a timing sensitive one it would make sense that high end models are more likely to experience this * oxidization - manufacturing process flaw that, according to intel, was fixed in 2023 - problem is they didn't bother to let anyone know This will be tricky to navigate but is recoverable. Their bottom line will suffer no matter what they do. The problem I see with puts is that INTC didn't pump at all on AI, and they will be supported by US administration, no matter who wins the election. On top of that AMD just delayed Ryzen 9000 launch due to "insufficient quality", catching this a week before the release doesn't instill confidence in their quality assurance process, and Intel isn't above smearing competition. They will spin it as positive (see, others also have problems, our market share isn't shrinking anytime soon) and the stock will hover around current price for months.
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