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Super Micro Computer Inc

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SMCI $100+ move today 😘📈🚀
Wlll smci hit 1000 eod?
whoever sold me the SMCI 8/9 850c when it was at 830 well played ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)
YOLO SMCI puts into earnings and watch your account jump
Jesus SMCI
Did the same for SMCI.
Stupid me bought a August 16 debit spread. Bought back the short leg for nothing, but now the long leg is worth close to 0 too. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Need AMD and SMCI to absolutely molest earnings and pray that Nvidia goes along for the ride.
hard to believe smci hitting the second highest daily rsi in history still wasn’t even the final top.
Not selling NVDA at 140 was insanely dumb. But not half as dumb as the people not selling SMCI at 1250.
Anyone dare bull bet on nvidia or smci now?
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