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it's ok. when I get Dim Sum , it's not a shared meal. and everyone knows it. ;) beat the system.
What is your investment in China as a percentage of your networth? 300k to some is an insurmountable sum, to others it’s chump change. It’s all relative.
Womp womp you doubled your money. Sell it all and put the sum on black. Thank me later.
Yeah, the more I learn about economics and what values companies should be trading at the more conspiratorial I’m getting, I’m almost ready to start wearing tin foil hats. This Friday you could see the pricing action on NVDA as the big boys tried time and time again to start selling offs, but failed. This next week is probably going to look like that again as the price is too high based on the outstanding options. Look at any ex-wall street guy (I personally love “Gary’s economics” on YouTube) and they all admit that the stock market is a zero sum game, and the reason that they get paid so much is that they can siphon even more money from everyone else. It’s a giant poker game and they play together with massive piles of money to fuck over everyone else. You put in a stop loss, they can see it and can move the market to grab it. Great news comes out on a company and everyone starts buying in, they hire somebody to write a hit piece on it after they short it. As long as they don’t have “insider information” from the company they can get around the regulations. TLDR: market isn’t based on the company/news, it’s based on the best way to siphon money from retail to institutions
I usually dollar cost average, my budget to invest, every paycheck. I max out retirement and all left over for investing budget, I put in QQQ , voo or similar index funds. Fyi: There was a fairly recent study saying lump sum investing in indexes, right away beat holding for potential dips and market timing, or forcing dollar cost averaging. These studies are average case. Your results may vary.
Boeong union guy here. The attendance/ pto change is a few things. We will no longer get all of our vacation as a lump sum on our anniversary date instead you will get 1 hour for every 17hrs u work. (16 at 5yrs. 15 at 10+) so roughly 2 hrs a week. So good luck planning a vacation off anywhere within the first 6 months of ur anniversary date. Although juneteenth is a new federal holiday they gave us a floating holiday that can be denied by management. The attenance changed so you can no longer notify tardy/absence at your conveinence and it is no longer handled by ur direct boss just straight to HR. You must call into work prior to shift start which is 5am for 1st shift. Normally if u r tardy you just have to cover the missing time with vacation/sick We work on a 3 strikes ur fired rule. So if youre stuck in traffic and ur phone is dead. Or u slept thru ur alarm. Or ur in the hospital. You will automaticly get strikes and fired even though you have pto to cover. Other thing to note about the shit contract. Its not 25% pay increase. Its 11%. 4%. 4%. 6%. They took out our yearly bonus that was average of 3.7% but can go up to 6% of our yearly pay.
It is quite painful to see how little you understand about economics. Ireland is home to 9 of the 10 biggest Pharmas in the world with an exceptionally well educated workforce through government incentives like free (or very close to free education). Your potato comment is moronic. One of Irelands biggest exports is beef (recently given the same standard as Argentinian Beef) and dairy. The potato isn't even native to Ireland. Are governments inefficient, yes. However, we need governments to organise infrastructure, services like firemen, hospitals, electricity, water and that requires way more then 5% tax. Taxes are high in the Scandics also but business is run very capitalistic. We have seen time and time again that if business are left to their own devices they will put the money away and exploit domestic and international countries. There are many small business' continually opening and creating jobs in all economic types. I bet you think America is capitalist too but it is far from the original definition of Capitalism. Saving shit banks and insurance companies, the lobby from Pharmas on the government means paying the largest sum for medicines (by a multiple) then anywhere else in the world. That is all the definition of Corporatism then Capitalism.
You still have sum left,
U buy gamecock shares recently or sum?
LOL, 😂 First one is always free. But lessons will always cost you. Congrats on learning for a relatively cheap sum.
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