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Snowflake Inc.

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SNOW wants it but volume across the market just too low.
Is SNOW helpless this year? Can I blame my losses on global warming?
snow flakes chance in hell they lower rates, ever.
It's laser based and all it takes is some fog or a snow squall to make it useless
Averaging in to $SNOW and $IONQ That is all
Company is nuts... just like SNOW....total bs for rich people to get richer. sell option contracts all the way up and down. they already made their money.....like 10x , they take company public and own the ceo... everyone gets rich and laughs at retail...
When is Snow White getting released?
"It's the foldiest folding phone in the market. Most only fold open 180 degrees. A.I.pple A.I.Fold A.I.Phone goes 360 degrees no scope scrub bill yo momma so fat she broke my snow plow truck. It's the best phone in the world with the greatest AI^>!chatGPT!< capabilities."
SNOW pumped
Snow birds still moving to Tampa.
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