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Nice read thanks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquisition_of_Sun_Microsystems_by_Oracle_Corporation is also a good read and quite telling. Lots of people resigned, all products went EOL. I'm not sure what they spent their billions on. Maybe eliminating competition. Kinda sad, if Sun had tried to weather 2008/09 on its own, it would probably still be around.
Yeah, it's wild how the market can flip like that. Puts are definitely getting their moment in the sun, even if people were sleeping on them before. Guess it just goes to show, the meme stocks aren't the only game in town.
we all get our fun in the sun…we all knew this bull run wasn’t going to keep it up.
Larry is not so much of a tech bro but a ruthless business man. It is shitty but there is a reason why Oracle bought Sun and not the other way around. Sun engineered great things that they failed to monetize.
So sorry brother Hope you have a family to love, a family who loves you and maybe a good dog to pet. Stay strong, the sun will shine again for you. Wishing you peace in your mind, heart and soul.
Cancelling karaoke night. Too anxious. I was going to sing here comes the sun but not feeling the vibes.
Anything tech oracle bros touch goes to shit. Mysql. Sun. SPARC. Solaris. Openoffice. Java. They'll all be footnotes in CS history 30 years from now, Java will be the new Cobol/Fortran. I wish them good luck in dismantling Paramount, maybe they can also buy Disney next. Would love to go back to 'one streaming website to rule them all'.
Up 100% today. Portfolio went from 2000 to 10,000 to 600 in a matter of weeks. Went from 600 to 900 yesterday and up to 1800 today. Did a whole trip around the sun. Thanks apple calls
"I still think it'll go up" - Sun Tzu, Art of War
Nothing left to do but masturbate to the sun maid raisin lady
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