Lumber Liquidators was an inside job!
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I don't feel myself experienced enough to give you any tips. I literally opened my trading account during the August dip and didn't even know what options were before that. I made my first profit on NVDA 120 and 125 calls on the august dip (+2k$ that I didn't post because it wasn't big enough to be posted), and that was just an obvious and simple trade to me. I look for simple and obvious trades based on my industry knowledge and I avoid industries I don't know or understand enough. The only tip I can give you is to never gamble too much into short expiration options, 0dtes especially. Today I made an oversized bet into 0dtes because to me felt like it was an obvious one. I chose IWM instead of SPY today because I thought small caps would benefit more and spike higher than SPY in case of a 50bps cut. To be honest I don't get too much into greeks or other overly complicated numbers, I just look for simple trades that I feel like are good enough to me. Massive bull pattern on small caps. Iwm 240 confirmed
So best time to buy odte calls on spy/iwm? 12pm est?
Just going to all in IWM calls at 1 then hope it’s a .5 cut
I'm betting on mag7 pumping if 25bps announced and IWM dumping
What would happen if Powell told his relatives to buy puts on TLT and IWM, and then raised rates 2.5% tomorrow? Frankly, even raising 0.50% could make him a trillionaire within an hour. P.S., beautiful poem. You're very talented.
How about IWM?
As someone who is currently full ported into IWM, If it hits $230 by Friday I will personally give u the best blowjob you have ever received.
You might be in luck. Possibilities include everything up, everything down, everything flat, or SPY down/flat and IWM up/flat. In other words, your guess is as good as mine.
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