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Me being the exception to the rule when it comes to sucking at life is right on par.
You're right. The polls didn't change. Kamala was already polling higher than Biden and on par with Trump (and maybe a little ahead) before Biden dropped. This is entirely speculation, but I think Dems are energized not having to vote for Meltbrain Joe, and I think the polls are going to swing even harder for Harris, especially after Trump picked an absolute snoozefelt of a VP. Vance is about as uncharismatic as it gets. If Kamala picks a VP that Dems are excited about and is an interesting person and campaigner, I don't see Trump winning the election.
and changed the rules of accounting so that "held to maturity" now means, let's just mark it at par value on the balance sheet instead of that pesky thing called other comprehensive income (loss).
Elon's about a decade late to the party on boats, you've been able to buy fully electric solar boats for a while now. Fully electric planes? Utter nonsense, not happening without major advances in battery technology or so many compromises on the plane that it is either unsafe or has no useful range. So I guess par for the course for Elon. Present the mundane as your own innovation and claim the impossible is next. Then just keep kicking the can down the road any time anyone asks you about that impossible shit you keep promising.
QA boring. Only costs money. I work in pharma. Luckily it's nowadays a highly regulated industry by government agencies all over the world. If your QA isn't up to par your products will not be approved or the currently marketed ones may be withdrawn. It's not 100% waterproof even with a working QA but it limits the potential damage to the costumer (or patient). See if there will be some new regulations put in place for software devs too after this. The current regulations in pharma is based on prior incidents, for example.
This isn’t the west where political satire is par the course. Xi is the most authoritarian leader since Mao. And he hates the Pooh bear.
Reddit has incompetents managing it though. 20 years of zero profit. App that isnt even on par with what solo developers were able to make. Trash search function - on a text forum like come on man. Without the ai shit, which honestly companies shouldve just continued to steal from them, reddit would have been below its ipo price already.
Exactly, it’s why you keep hearing that China’s military is on par or maybe even more advanced than ours. Who really knows but if we are all using the same GPUs who has the real edge here?
Cortex XDR is almost always cheaper than Microsoft and often also Crowdstike (lets call it on par). Its can be purchased as stand alone EDR/XDR and has nothing to do with their firewalls but if you want to consoliidate there are great synergies. However its completely optional and has great modularity. If you know the tool from 2 years ago. You dont know the tool at all. Palos innovation in the space is impressive. And Palo is also the leader in firewall tech. Has been for nearly a decade. More complex... maybe but also means you got more options and the are the largest vendor in network security nowadays. The only real competion is Fortinet on that front and they are focusing more on the SMB market. Palo dominates the Enterprise segment Palo created the the XDR solution, Crowdstrike and all others are now copying.
I remember when QF32 had that catastrophic uncontained engine failure. First thing the CEO of qantas did was ground the entire QF a380 fleet since rolls Royce couldn’t guarantee their other engines wouldn’t fail in a similar way Second thing that occurred was rolls Royce doing a full tear down of their Trent 900 engines to find the defect and then issue a remedy I don’t think at any point in time that airbus caught any shit for this mid flight failure and was often lauded for building such a resilient aircraft given the mess the shrapnel made of so many different aircraft systems. So yeah, this particular incident feels more like a Boeing hit piece than proper journalism. Sadly par for the course in this era of clickbait journalism.
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