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These don't mean shit, just like they didn't mean shit when they had unrealized profitable during the pandemic. As rates drops, these losses drop. As time goes by, the mature at par value, losing nothing. All you're looking at is opportunity cost of banks having cash tied up in lower yielding assets than they could have.
They are now secured against a bank run by the “new” BTFP. The Fed set up a new borrowing facility, the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) offering loans of up to one year in length to banks, savings associations, credit unions and other eligible depository institutions, pledging U.S. Treasuries, agency debt and mortgage-backed securities, and other qualifying assets as collateral. The assets will be valued at par, so that banks won’t have to sell U.S. treasuries at a loss in order to redeem deposits
People who are buying NVDA at the current price are buying the assumption that NVDA, a company with already dominant market share, will somehow manage to triple their earnings within the next few years. They will probably triple their earnings but in around 10 years. Even if that were to happen, that's still sub-par return of 5% per year assuming that the PE lowers to 25.
Lol love all the people that can't handle the truth in your post and resort to trying to diminish you by saying you're an only fans model. Idgaf what a person does or is, I analyze the value in what you say. And I'd like you to know, as someone who has worked professionally in finance, your investing ideas seem to be reasonably on par with those of the industry. When you can ignore the noise and look at the chart and data, you're on your way. You recognize that nothing has changed negatively, so the price drop must be panic selling. Full disclosure, I'm probably biased because I just bought more. So I probably just sent the price a few bucks lower I'm sure 😅 Anyways, ignore the haters. Its kind of sad to see grown ass men (or at least people pretending to be) being so degrading to a teenage girl. Although, ill also add they would respect you more if you respected yourself a bit more. Having some self worth goes a long ways. (Maybe I'm wrong on this but a brief glance at your comment history does seem to indicate A LOT of value being placed in what others think, and very little personal contribution even though from the little there is it is very well reasoned--im guessing you are probably quite intelligent, but misguided. As most 19 year olds are)
Offshoring customer support usually leads to sub par responses! We tried it earlier, and ended up going with a US based solution as we had much higher customer satisfaction metrics; but when we combined cheap offshore CS with AI, those numbers were HIGHER than when we were using US based CS. I replied to a different comment which goes into why middle management was gutted because of AI.
Market is sleeping on $NET cloudflare. They are par for par competing with googles cloud platform, plus massive zero trust products that have barely scratched the surface in terms of sales.
Lol. Ya'll are so lost. 227K is pretty good and is par for 2016-2019. Before 2016 it was about double that in the 300-400k ranges and above as a normal number and the economy was just fine. Unemployment is also at an all-time low, historically.
Well. Okay. I suppose that raises more questions, like what’s the hole’s par? Are you even in the green yet? And why are you paying anyone to do that? I mean, you could just learn how to putt rather than buying putts from a pro
lol yeah par for the course
I think he did buy shares. I guess my definition of "on top" was a return on par with SPY. Which I don't think he can get no matter how long he holds Intel, he should sell covered calls, recover some cash and exit his position.
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