duuuuuude why did you gamble all that in your TFSA…
i would *PAY* $40,000 to just get that much extra in contribution room
because at even just 10% CAGR over 20 years, that $40,000 is now worth $270,000
and if the choice is pay half in tax or pay $40,000 today so it’s tax free, i’m paying the $40,000
so losing $40,000 in TFSA contribution is way fucking worse than losing just $40,000 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
There was a case where an investment advisor who was trading with his tfsa account was asked to pay taxes. But the decision was heavily weighted on the fact that he was an industry professional. It was not revealed what he was doing exactly. But even in that case he wasnt fined for tax evasion. He just paid taxes
Yes, the CRA forbids “day trading” with your tfsa account, but gives no definition on what constitutes day trading. You are allowed to trade options in tfsa, but it is entirely up to the CRA to determine whether you are day trading. But its okay, worst case they will ask you to pay taxes (its not like you will have a criminal record or go to jail or anything)