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They are toast (in the short-medium term). I don't know if they are bankrupt toast, though: * Companies will renegotiate contracts going forward to increase liability to CrowdStrike. Lower forecast profit * Their insurance premiums are about to make what happened to recent car rates look like a tiny blip * Lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits. You know there are 100s being prepared right now. Funds hate lawsuits. They create an undetermined element of risk to a stock because there is no way to know how much the payouts will be (See: JNJ) * Sales calls - Just imagine being a CRWD sales rep trying to close a deal in the next few months. Bigly discounts. And I don't think $10 vouchers to Uber are going to cut it. * Competition will pounce - This is the time for PANW and others to make their move, even at the cost of revenue. Easy talking points for sales reps: "Remember when the world went to shit for a day? That was not us." - So, lower sales and more discounting. * Pelosi owns PANW... Enough said I expect the true pain to evidence itself on the earnings call. Stock values are all about projections of the future. I am dubious that call will go well. And the following one in November will likely be a disaster.
PANW calls it is.
PANW calls it is.
PANW calls it is.
Definitely valid, though to be absolutely clear, they do operate ultimately at the kernel level. >[https://www.sentinelone.com/faq/](https://www.sentinelone.com/faq/) SentinelOne agent is a software program, deployed to each endpoint, including desktop, laptop, server or virtual environment, and runs autonomously on each device, without reliance on an internet connection. **The agent sits at the kernel level and monitors all processes in real time.** As for the details around how updates are staged, interact, etc and mitigates vs what CS does, I'm deliberately not commenting on because PANW could lodge similar "selling points" and I don't think it adds value as a PANW employee to be "laying out selling points" right now.
Just applied to $PLTR and $PANW Wish me luck kings đź’…
S1, PANW (me), etc all do. I would argue it’s a concern if they don’t. I don’t know how people expect security agents to respond to higher-ring security issues if they aren’t *in that ring*.
Is that so? I was under the impression that that’s PANW and the volumes (Boeing and CRWD) are different by magnitudes tbh. AND Boeings civil Planes suck, their government work is top notch. CRWD screwd the whole government including 3letter agencies. That’s not good tbh.
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