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Now, everybody listen up 'cause I'm only gonna say this once, we never talk about it again. You understand? Takes two, maybe even three people to fuck an ostrich though.
Curious how much "bird stock" McDonalds and others have in their freezers right now.
You’re too old for this sub man lol. Once you’re past 45 and still here then you’re just a certified gambling addict. Think about how much less booze, blow, and hookers you’re going to have in retirement now.
Maybe if Trump hadn't convinced morons like you to do nothing to stop the spread of a virus during a pandemic, it wouldn't have gotten to the point of forcing it. You think the economy and supply chain went to shit now? Imagine if we actually waited years longer.
Absolutely. I play 0DTEs right now doing that with money I can lose. Hoping to time one of the next big drops with a wild 500 contract play. I work FT and have a retirement from the military so I can afford to gamble a bit. I will say I’m probably more into it because of the rush 0DTEs give me. The anxiety and being able to overcome the physical reaction to large position 0DTEs is one of the only things I’ve found that ramps me up like stuff I used to do in the military. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I wouldn't expect much above 105. TLT is long term rates. Even if short term rates are low, long term will probably stay 3-4%, which is what it is now. To see 120, you'd need a complete collapse in the economy and fed funds at 0 again. Can't see the happening
you proved my point (you being a clown) multiple times over here. "intrinsic value comes from market price" :- ) you get 4% annually in the best case, and its a sure money loser over all your corporate bonds. the yield would have to 6% and higher to make this work financially. you "print", as in 'declare' a profit of 5bn for 10 years, and then minus 200 bn in one year to go back to fair value. this cycle repeats itself over and over again. i do buy bonds now occasionally, once they crash to maybe 20-40% of nominal value. Petrobras, deutsche Pfandbriefbank, etc. thats when you people panic-sell.
You are born to make me happy. Now send Daddy some money.
Yeah you’re definitely not wrong but you’d only do this with more stable sectors that aren’t doing big jumps or drops. I would never do this strategy in tech right now since it’s so volatile so ultimately it really depends on the sector you would use this in. And you would also want whatever your getting to have a decent dividend yield and a DRIP fund.
You should quarantine and contact trace yourself NOW
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