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Most Americans don’t save this is a sad meme . Most people will yolo it on McDonald’s Big Mac and large fries
1. 18A was developed before the AI boom, which requires high die size and high yield. Intel has historically been known for high frequency, not high yield. 2. The industry is moving away from x86. If you've used cloud services like Oracle or Azure, you'd know ARM is superior for most modern applications. 3. This is a niche application that still needs to be proven. 4. Being "only" two generations behind is significant; the margin for progress gets much harder as you approach the leader. 5. If Gaudi is so powerful, why aren't major players using it? Instead, they're developing their own chips. **One more thing:** OpenAI released ChatGPT for Mac -------- even sugar daddy Microsoft is moving to more versatile and efficient platforms. Intel is doomed, put put put.
Nah I have an older Mac for that
That's just C-mac, custer. Keep it 55th street.
I generally disagree, except I agree that the Apple Silicon hardware is good. Imo, the best Macs relative to the competition were when Windows was stuck in XP. Nowadays, the Mac software is not compelling enough to demand their MSRP. Similarly, the Mac hardware is overpriced per their specs *and* component quality. That wasn't the case when Jobs handed things over to Timmy. Had Apple continued on the path Jobs laid out, the new Mac's would have released sooner, had a less chaotic rollout, and had a better price-to-spec ratio while remaining better quality machines than even great PCs. Jobs also wanted them to pursue AI in Siri while Google and Amazon were working on Assistant and Alexa. Had that work continued, they probably wouldn't have missed the AI train. Anyway, I'm not saying Apple is bad. I'm saying Tim was not the amazing replacement for Jobs that many claim. The dude was handed a money printer, and he jammed it with coins.
Freddie Mac to unleash a T’$ with Boomers turning their homes into credit lines for cruise line vacations. Calls on CRUZ.
Siri is already pretty useful, I agree with you. Not sure how just adding AI is going to entice me enough to upgrade. Siri can already put things in my calendar, it can play music, it can open youtube, it can do google searches. What more do I really need from AI on my cell phone? If apple integrates ChatGPT into a Mac computer, then maybe we're talking, but for the phone...meh.
I recall way back in the pre-iPhone (and maybe pre-iMac) days, Microsoft invested something like $150M in Apple just to keep it afloat so as not to lose the Mac for Office sales...
Meredith Whitney on CNBC hyping Freddie Mac being allowed access to 2nd mortgages - Adding trillions of spending power to consumer balance sheets by tapping home equity What could go wrong! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)
Revenge for Microsoft buying Bungie and scuttling Halo for the Mac.
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