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Amc Entertainment Holdings Inc

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If AMC won’t die, no AI stocks will.
*Kicks open the door Give me a fuck yeah for AMC! I SAID, GIVE ME A FUCK YEAH FOR...ah shit. I thought the door I kicked in was the year 2021.
Im only going if they give out free 8balls opening night then calls on AMC
Thoughts on amc calls this week and next for new Deadpool?
I took all my spy gains from yesterday and for no reason bought amc calls. 🤡
"Fast-paced Momentum Stock AMC Entertainment (AMC) Is Still Trading at a Bargain" LMAOOO🤡
amc baggies thought kicking the can was a good thing yesterday lmao
If you weren’t here until GME/AMC… you’re definitely not a veteran
AMC keeps coming up with creative new ways to dilute shareholders it’s actually pretty impressive
I have kids. I've been to the movies more in the Last 5 Years then the 20 years before that combined. Not saying AMC isn't doomed but people are definitely still going to the movies. Inside out 2 and Despicable Me 4 were both pretty packed.
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