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Copa Holdings S.A.

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Get a CPA.
gov't is full of fraud, waste, and abuse. they might be better of taking the money and burning it in giant wheel-barrow. and they more I pay, the worst the government (state and fed) gets - services suck, but hey we have a record number of gov't employees with super fat pensions, and dont get me started on the teachers union. but go ahead and be a sheep and pay - i do my best to avoid -i would rather give money to a shady lawyer/cpa to create structures for me to avoid. and i do. downvote away.
Find a cpa
What is a BD? I am currently looking at/interviewing for big 4 track but I don't want to do 150 credits and take the CPA lol so I've been lying and saying I'll be ready to sit for it by end of 26.
Both IB and PE positions hire CPA designated accountants it took me a year of part time study to pass all four sections. I worked in sales and trading and compliance for two BDs in the meantime gaining industry experience
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