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What’s your exit target on FDX? Hoping for a bump to 270 but idk
If I don't make dinner in my house my husband and everyone will have a breakdown. How are some of these folks not having fights from lack of food?
Jonathan Greenblatt is a racist POS. He's basically chief propagandist for far right Jewish nationalists.
#Ban Bet Lost /u/Afraid-Luck7223 made a bet that NVDA would go to 140.0 within **1 month** when it was 104.764 and it did not, so they were banned for a week. Their record is now 0 wins and 2 losses [**Join WSB Discord**](
Heres mine - VIRGO (August 23 - September 22): Take a break from overexertion and allow yourself time to recover. The planets remind you that you’ve been pushing too hard lately, and it’s time to recharge
Back to crazy ass exs I once hooked up with this chick who maybe had a benzo dependency, and she definitely gave me chlamydia, and I’m almost certain she woke up in the middle of the night and pee on me up closer to my neck because I was drenched in peed at shoulder level, but not near our privates……    ….. BUT, lord have mercy, this girl could take the skin off a hotdog whilst seated on it 
27/34 years is pretty consistent. I couldn’t say that this year is the same especially with the rate cut just announced. Always a chance to be 27/35 years. We’ll see.
Yea its sad. You have to teach then what a real meal is they wont figure it out otherwise
Unfortunately, the week after the September triple witch is historically among the weakest of the year. “The week after September quarterly options expiration week has been a nearly constant source of pain with only a few meaningful exceptions over the past 34 years,” Jeff Hirsch from the Stock Trader’s Almanac told clients last week, noting that the week after has been down 27 of the past 34 years. -Bob Pisani
Not in a small town, there's not a 7/11 on every corner.
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