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The douche bags behind Cards against humanity are a bunch of fucking butthurt liberal cucks
If I don't make dinner in my house my husband and everyone will have a breakdown. How are some of these folks not having fights from lack of food?
lol I was waiting - took you long enough. My brain was confuzzled because queue to me means wait and line is what these people are in. waiting in line. Don't mind me i'm not british.
What ios are you running? The app version support is up to the individual companies, not apple. Safari works just fine.
bitcoin looking weak, short opened. the days of weekend pumps are over. hedge funds and creditors control the price. creditors need to dump to repay customers
The stocks are going up, the stocks are not going down. Theses are stocks we’re talking about. GET REAL THIS IS THE MOMENT WEVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. Buying BBY because it has buy in the name
This is the range that 0dte calls far OTM are risky and not very profitable. Going back to 1-2 weeks out close to the money starting Monday. Puts might be more consistent plays until November. Spy 600 EOY, but a rocky ride from here on out.
This is fantastic. Personally when things are real low I'd rather buy a 3x leverage Bitcoin ETF than the regular one. Very low risk with solid rewards
No it wouldn’t be on 1 play, and I’d feel like I can make safer trades that are a few weeks out or so. Opposed to the 0DTES I usually trade ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)
>Huge Line Queues  People are queuing up to get in the line? This is worse than I thought.
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