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Total Stock Market ETF Vanguard

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VTI futures up .32% and SPY down .40% What is going on
Yolo’d NVDA shares at $102. Sold at $120. Then bought 50% QQQ 50% VTI
There's a big difference between dollar cost averaging VTI until you retire and gambling everything on a single stock. If you ever want to be wealthy one day, try to understand that.
It’s because we are young and want to buy the dip. We also know if a 2008 ever happened we’d sell a kidney to buy as much Realestate and VTI/VCR/VHT/FTEC/FSELX as possible and then get fat in 20yr
The market is so fickle. I was down 24,000 overall last week, and I’m suddenly at positive 6000 this week. And I made no new investments. Just a 30k turnaround. I don’t do options though lol. Honestly, the safest by far is just dumping everything in long term ETFs (like vti) or the s&p. And just using smaller amounts for “gambling”
Yolo QQQ or VTI shares?
That's like 1 semester. You're going to be okay. Just buy stuff like VTI, SCHD, and JEPI. Then gamble with your beer money. Totally fixable.
Sell and settle for stocks... you've already beaten 99% of people in gains this year. No need to gamble further. You can start DCA into VOO/VTI and you'll be happy 24/7. Or you can keep stressing.
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