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Take note. This is only possible with fidelity. They don’t take order flow payments.
Something of note too is that Crowdstrike had testing in place. It just was terrible. To anyone not familiar with development and deployment in the tech world, it looks like they tried but were just not good at it. that ends up being incompetence rather than negligence. In that case they get out of the worst case scenario because of the attempt to avoid the end issue.
Wanted to drop a note here after work. I'm a SME in this space; 25+ years experience in InfoSec and with focus on forensics and incident detection/response (this is the space Crowdstrike operates in). In my opinion, a "Next-Generation" EDR (endpoint detection response) product is the #1 security control for enterprise environments. By "Next-Generation", think of anti-virus on steroids. Crowdstrike doesn't sell to non-corporate clients, so most people here aren't going to understand exactly what it is. Think of it like and AV tool that can both defend against zero-days (brand new malware), log all activity on an endpoint (data loss prevention/forensics) \*and\* be centrally managed. Also in my opinion, they are best-of-class in this space. I also support SentinelOne and FireEyeHX, which while good are still not in the same league as Crowdstrike. I haven't used the PaloAlto product as last time I evaluated it I think you needed to integrate it with their NexGen firewall products; which I don't have experience with. One of the reasons Crowdstrike is so popular is you can literally be missing dozens of other critical security controls, have minimal (or no!) IT staff, incompetent users/managers, etc. and you can just cut them a check, install it on everything and you are 99%+ of the way to a secure environment. So, in other words, replacing it for the vast majority of customers is going to be more expensive than the damages from the outage. And for partners like Delta, they suck anyways and it's probably better of just losing them vs. giving them a billion-dollar handjob. They obviously don't have any sort DR process, or even IT support, so they are quite literally "Flying Blind" and it's probably for the best if they go out of business. I read the preliminary post-mortem on Monday, they had a "Black Swan" event that was predicated by multiple critical failures in their deployment pipeline, combined with a simple software issue (lack of taint checking) with their endpoint device driver. All of these particular unique things can be permanently fixed. In addition, the ability of the software to get "real time" definition updates is intrinsic to its functionality; so they can't effectively do phased rollouts in this space. I'll also add that I specialize in selling full-stack "ZeroTrust" deployments that are immune to these sorts of supply-chain incidents and attacks, however they are expensive and not very fun to use. Consider deploying the following as an alternative -> * Zero-trust networks (deny IP any<->any inbound and outbound). * Building your own Linux distros either from scratch or using a source based distro; like arch or gentoo * Implementing centrally managed high security SELINUX policies and OSSEC EDR, like Tripwire. * Building an effective 24x7 SOC that reviews all alerts from this environment (vs. just having Crowdstrike handle all that stuff behind-the-scenes). My customers both have a perfect security records as well as being protected from issues like the Crowdstrike outage (and insider threats in general). However their environments are much more expensive to deploy and manage, while also being extremely restrictive and not very popular with their users.
Probably good to note that there are early signs of macroeconomic slowdown. This is also anecdotal, but Prime day only grew~2% yoy (1P retails was -15%)
On a high note, you made a lot of other people's lifestyles more like yours.
On a side note… happy Friday?
Maybe less people want to buy your trinkets, regardless of the spend. Side note, considering the amount of money META is dumping into AI, I imagine that will be the real cause of their earnings potentially being hurt.
The most important thing to note is the ditching of Qualcomm’s 5g chip. I guess we can expect them to do this across their line up soonish.
Slim phone that has a 6.6-inch display. Ffs just give me something that not the size of a note pad.
Note: You *can’t* sell bc there’ll be no bids ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)
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