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Throw it all into ASTS and come back on half a year
Buying Google 25 years ago wouldn't be possible since they entered the stock market in 2004 finshing the year with a profit of ~400M Regardless of that I'm not saying it's not a good investment (ASTS) heck if it's profitable (for you) it's a great investment but I wouldn't say "why sell we're just getting started" cause it's not a great buisness plan. Like I said: High costs of Research and development High costs of manufacturing Limited manufacturing Not (very) scalable Your product has a considerably risk of getting toasted/break/explode etc... and even if (just) one satelite goes wrong you're dead
Difference is Google can actually afford to lose that money. Google tries millions of things... not all go well not all go wrong but their buisness isn't solely dependent in ONE THING. Like I said... the risks for ASTS are much bigger than it was for companies like Google or Microsoft when starting... heck even Coca-Cola. A satelite costs hundreds of millions to produce and another hundreds to develop. You have budget to do a dozen whilist: If a couple of them goes wrong not only will investors loose confidence and you'll lose a lot of your money. On top of that it's a very small market... you won't have 30000 orders per year. Puting it more simply: you're building something expensive as hell that can break if it breaks you'll lose a huge % of your money. Your business is not profitable and will continue to be for a lot of years due to low demand. What examples of this do you want? Space x? Virgin galactic?
Made 15k on ASTS options today, can't wait to see what next week has in store for me
If you still want to trade options, do 0dte SPY calls on only what you are willing to lose in case things go south. Otherwise, holding VZ and ASTS may add up. I also advise buying into CRWD before earnings and selling immediately after since the whole situation has them undervalued and their last quarter was likely strong. Or don’t listen to me, because I sometimes ramble on things I don’t really understand.
You know Google spent billions of dollar with their “Balloon” program trying to do what ASTS is doing and they invested 100mil in ASTS already. Peace out simpleton
Would you have rather of bought Google 25 years ago when it was losing money like ASTS and needing to raise capital or today when it’s already a mega cap? 🤷🏻‍♂️
Why everyone bought asts? What u guys know?
I just got into RKLB a few weeks ago. Put some coin in a few other space stocks too, including ASTS, Redwire and MDA Space. Exciting future ahead!
If you want the shares, you’ll want to exercise every ITM call you can afford. I’m long ASTS — been DCA-ing shares for three years so this has never been a short-term trade for me. I will be exercising my leaps, many of which are at low strikes ($2.5, $3, $4). FWIW i have some of those $10C 01/2026 too — if we continue to de-risk and nail every milestone in 2025, I’ll likely exercise those as well.
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