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Shut the hell up! I've lost you after "Only two things...". Calls on NVIDIA $1250 Then Puts $860
When S&P is choppy, it was kindof choppy today... It's super hard to trade, if you see it going in N waves or V waves, it's gonna be choppy in that tight range, until it breaks out of it, it's best to try and catch the break out, but you gotta be patient on days like that to catch a breakout, because catching tops and bottoms of the range is pretty difficult, cab try to get half if there is room but you gotta be in the right contracts for it to move. I tried and came out red as well. Got impatient, realized I was getting impatient with how price kept stalling, so I just gave it up. On to next week. But of course, after I leave the table... We get a fucking nice breakout smh. Actually, there were two decent ones today, break below 5292, and then the break above 5295... Both back to back. S&P be annoying tf outta me sometimes. All day in that tight ass 10 point range, and finally breaks out of it end of day when contracts are weird. Hate when it does that sht as I usually don't trade end of day.
Recently read on this sub that trends usually change after OPEX, which was today. Before last earnings, NVDA was pulling back a little bit, but not sure what it's going to do this time. Maybe those two factors can be helpful to you.
Depends on the expiry, NVDA ran crazy high for the two weeks after last earnings.
The trick is to have two accounts, one for your moves and one to inverse your moves.
I am quite alright you obviously need them! Maybe a Blackberry or two daily would aid your mental health!
Debit spreads are a good way to buy a good quality options at a discount. However the short leg will also go up in value if your long leg goes up, capping your upside to the difference of the two strikes.
I do okay with weeklies more often than not. However, that's my fun money, my speculation fund. My actual investments are very boring dividend aristocrats, t-bills (because they are so good for my margin and easy to liquidate if necessary), and maybe writing some covered calls to squeeze out a few more percent. My options have been very hit and miss lately, I'm doing great for the year but the past few weeks have been nothing but two steps forward, 1.95 steps back. Fun, though.
CRON isn't talked about here at all but it may end up being one of the strongest cannabis plays. They have over 800 million in cash, no debt, almost profitable, have said they have been saving their cash to enter the US market after DEA decision, and most importantly, Atria, one of the top five tobacco companies, owns 45 percent of the company and Atria's investor presentation even states on page two that one of their biggest goals is to position Cronos as a major US cannabis player. I bought shares today to go along with sndl
It didn’t get forced. This is fake news and the EU trying to clout on something Apple was already going to do. Apple started using USB-C in their products almost a decade ago (2015 MacBooks). They’ve never had a problem using or implementing USB-C. When Apple went from the 30pin connector to the lightning connector they guaranteed 10 years of the port and support for it. Apple implemented lightning in 2012 and the change to usbc happened in 2023 - a touch over 10 years. This change was always happening and every idiot sucked off the EU like they did something - “they did not”
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