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Let's give you field four. You should have covered some of this ground in Luxembourg, but you fucked that up. They're still on the hook. Now don't over promise this week. Sell them on the structure. You can talk about it with confidence. Keep it simple. A little, something like this. John. Hey, let me walk you through our Donnelly nut spacing and crack system Rim riding grip configuration. Using a field of half sea sprats and Brass fitted. Nickel slits are bracketed caps and splay. Flexed, brace columns vent dampers to dampening hat. Steps of one half meter from the damper crown to to We bolster. 12 husk nuts to each girdle Jerry. Bowflex tandems, press a task apparatus of 10 vertically composited patch amplers, then. Pin flam, fastened pan traps at both, Maiden apexes of the gym joints. Oh, something like that. Lakeman
Your major or focus of study usually means nothing. It only shows employers that you’re able to commit and focus on a task for roughly 4 years. Most people can’t even pretend to be stable for four years and follow orders and finish tasks so it’s a complete rip off overpriced government subsidized scam at this price point.
Their bloated ego that x86 rules the world and that phones were just a gimmick. They made no effort at working on mobile chips or being a foundry. Now they are laying off 15% of their workforce in two weeks. They decided to “change” a few years back and started adopting some TSMC and Samsung approaches, but only took on the things that benefited Intel. They completely missed that the things other fabs do also require them to give in more to their vendor and partner ecosystem. Typically if TSMC asks you to do task A they will give you some concessions with benefit B. Intel decided they just wanted their vendors to do task A and definitely didn’t want to give any benefits back. They’re going to keep tanking, the whole culture is broken there.
Not long before they build the AI version deemed "teacher" to teach its' successor ~ like Cray Computers back in the day built one of their supercomputers with the one specific task to design its' replacement. Enter extra super gargantuan language/image/audio modeling for AI.
Have task why buy puts in spy and qqq are you expecting a sell off tomorrow I know there would be one but I’ll be honest I honestly can’t tell when I suck at dd
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Lightning is still a more durable connector than USB C is. Most people don’t plug in their phone or care about data transfer. Thus, Lightning still the superior connector for the task. The only benefit to C at this point is having compatible cables with other shit using C.
No AI is finally a new technology people will want. Really it doesn’t need new phones though although Apple will of course insist it does. AI has the capacity to do a lot of denoising for humans. For example you create a task list with haircut on it and it asks you if you want it to call the local barbershop in your contacts and book in for Tuesday afternoon. Once people see that on other people’s phones they will want.
Smartphones in general have improved considerably and there aren't enough new features that people care enough about to update. Previously I found after 2 or so years with a smartphone, the battery would be dead after half a day of low usage, the phone would run like molasses as apps became more demanding the older CPU wasn't up to task. Most recently I upgraded 2 years ago from a Samsung S20 which wasn't giving me issues to a Pixel 7. And still 4.5 years later the S20 is still fine (I use it as a work phone).
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