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Lol that's not how lawyers work. Lawyers can't stop the government from interviewing you they can simply be present and advise you not to answer certain questions. But just because you have a lawyer doesn't mean you get to just tell cops, let alone the secret service, to pound sand. If all it took to avoid investigation was good lawyers we wouldn't have hours of footage of congressional hearings.
No, **you** pound sand out the eye of **your** cock
trillions of MM bots programmed to take profit at $120 we will need a few nukes and some big ass sand worms to break through it
When borders were crossed in the dead of the night, The job market faltered, inflation took flight. Unemployment rose, as wages grew thin, An economic storm soon started to spin. Jerome took the helm, with rates to adjust, A half-point cut down, in a gamble of trust. But easing the pressure, while markets still bleed, Is a short-term solution for a long-term need. Like a house built on sand, though quick it may stand, Without firm foundations, it crumbles on land. So too must our borders be guided with care, Let laws hold the line, let fairness be fair. For those who come through with the right and the will, Can strengthen the country, and help pay the bill. But open the gates without heed to the law, And soon the whole system will crack with its flaw.
in a sand trap in case the secret service is around
This guy thinks sand people buy iPhones 16 in bulk 😂
Which definition of Recession is being used here, for context? The old definition used for decades prior, the new one invented this past few years to deny we were in one based on the old definition or a new-new one that changes it yet again to maintain our collective heads in the sand that everything is going great.
it's going to be crazy how all that oil is going to buy all that power from all that sand. Wild really.
Meh.  OXY is the oil play ATM.  Buffet is in at $62, they have a lot of valuable resources that are easier and cheaper to get at than oil sand, and they have less regulatory hurdles...
41K for a kitchen? I'd tell her to pound sand too.
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