Jpow pow pow poww pow powww pow pow pow


Ready Capital Corp - 6.25% PRF PERPETUAL USD 25 - Ser C

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About Ready Capital Corp - 6.25% PRF PERPETUAL USD 25 - Ser C

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Hello. I am John Nasdaq owner of the Nasdaq. How would you rate our recent performance? A. :) B. :| C. :(
what other companies does RC touch so I can avoid ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)
The genius of RC. Wait for a pump then dilute. Diamond hands you apes ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
ah the RC special, dilute and crater
I got kicked off of Instagram in less than 2 days. I am not shocked. I just wanna watch Vegas Pauly C videos!!!
Yeah except I’m half and half. I came from wall street into big tech.  I spent the better part of a decade building businesses from the ground up in the financial sector and doing market analysis and business modeling etc...  I know how to speak to executives because I mostly worked directly with the C suites at institutional banks and financial firms like Morgan Stanley, Wells Fargo, UBS, TD, Schwab and thousands of broker dealers, RIA, and fund management companies. I absolutely speak their language and know how to sell to them. The issue is that they’re dinosaurs, and they still think it’s 1960 when it comes to how inter-offices operate. They’re too busy worrying about losing their tax abatements due to no one adhere to RTO to care about making process changes.  Also most of them are nearing retirement and they’re not willing to put their career capital on the line to start a big project when they know they’ll be out in the next 5 years. 
Halt the witchcraft and short squeeze deez nuts. Y’all aren’t Michael Burry. Sit and pivot. Ghost pepper is too much I lost it all and need sum choccy milk and / or an RC Cola
Pull up porkins yer gonna c—
c u cunts on azeroth
This is an original c
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