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Priority Income Fund Inc - 6.125% PRF REDEEM 30/06/2028 USD 25 - Ser I

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About Priority Income Fund Inc - 6.125% PRF REDEEM 30/06/2028 USD 25 - Ser I

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yea I held twenty 04oct 290c from 9.30$ to 1$ to whatever it is now. Probably gonna sell at open since I think it's gonna pullback soon
unluckly the broker i use isn't as user friendly as RH under that point of view so i don't have an actual dashboard to look at to make a resume of the trade
I can't read this.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) What is the position? Cost Basis? etc?
You obviously need to understand and acknowledge, that there is no such thing as "I need to get it back". That money has been lost forever and now you start anew with a lower amount. You can only make new money, which you could have made even without losing money beforehand. It's a fallacy of sorts, mental gymnastics and cope for gamblers.
oh I get it. didn't see your questions posted anywhere though. I have a small share position of 30 @ $261 , no price target. probably going to sell next week if it holds because I'm putting an offer on a house.
ye, and I asked if anyone watching the post opened a position on the same title and what TP they set
I don't get it.
QQQ 490 expiring on monday. I need a god damn miracle.
You‘re probably right, in the US this is probably not a bad deal, don’t live there so hard for me to know. However, If you’re calculating $30 per month for the trade in that seems a bit off. Apple will give you around $200-300 for that phone I think so that would need to be deducted for a fair comparison. Comes out to $20-22 a month extra. Thats around 33% of $60 and so I think it’s safe to assume you’re paying around 33% more than would be the profitable price of the service. But if you’re not able to get a reduced price without the trade I guess it makes sense to do it. And I’m sure Apple loves for people to be upgrading their phones every 3 years because it’s essentially „free“. Where I live, good service can be had for $11 a month with no long term contract. But that’s probably why I’m writing this on an iPhone 11 pro that I’ve had for four years that works great.
after a solid topping, i typically move to the bottoming phase. i go back and forth between each for a good while until entering the final phase i have cleverly called “finishing”.
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