Priority Income Fund Inc - 6% PRF REDEEM 31/12/2026 USD 25 - Ser H

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About Priority Income Fund Inc - 6% PRF REDEEM 31/12/2026 USD 25 - Ser H

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Puts are too obvious at this point. Still finished the day with +4.5%. B U L L I S H
It's like... you think you've seen it all. Then one of you buys 1/4 mil$ of zircons. But wait! Nana's got 700k$ to burn on Intel! Oh hold my beer, I'm going to bankrupt myself (for the 2nd time) on Nike stock. Nike. Jesus H. Christ.
spy blow off ttop to 574-575 as that would be ADR-H. Best way to destroy any puts and setup trap tomorrow heading into OPEX
Genuinely yes, lol. Long story short, the IRS has been made a punching bag by powerful people who don't want to pay their taxes. So they just don't have the resources to go after anyone except the very worst offenders anymore. It really is magical how the billionaires convinced everyone that the things stopping them from robbing the country blind were in fact the plight of the common man. "IRS bad! We hate the IRS. Boo! Defund the IRS! Wait...how come tax revenues are falling? I always pay *my* taxes!" Seriously, why the average person has an opinion about the IRS is mind boggling. What you hate is our tax code, and it's the tax preparers that turned it into such a clusterfuck. Deliberately, I might add. What, you think TurboTax wants the IRS to just send you a bill? They'd cease existing overnight, of course they spend enormous amounts of money on lobbying to make sure the system remains an absolute dumpster fire. The IRS is just stuck in the middle going "could we maybe hire an extra person to get through the backlog, and maybe be allowed to switch to digital records?" And congress says "lol no H&R Block gave me this bag of money to tell you to eat shit."
#J O H N S O N
Ca$h gang ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)
🔥 T 🔥 H 🔥 E 🔥 T 🔥 A 🔥
H-O-T-D-O-G-G, I want a hot dog really bad
H-O-E-T-O-G-O you can a hoe to go
Massive inv h&s on russel. 2400/240 rut/iwm if it breaks to the upside
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