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MM aint gunna pay all these bulls tomorrow on expiry. You can count on that.
The USD is measured against a basket of currencies, all of whom are just as broke as America and have weaker economies to pay their debt loads. There's never been anything like this before in history. It literally is a global debt suicide pact. I personally think that the USD is going to stay pretty high relative to other currencies, because people will flee to USDs for safety. Eg, if Europe has a currency crisis, Europoors will get their money out and buy US stocks and long Treasurys. And that's usually how empires collapse - it's usually the weaker outer periphery that goes first.
The good news for bears is that they can get a HELOC to pay off their margin calls at a lower rate than before.
To be fair. The rep only gets $5 from your upg.so they probably couldn’t care less. Also the fee has been a thing for years if not almost always. You add lines.fee. You upgrade. Fee. You now pay with cash for your bill. Fee. Tmobile is most likely going to be done with commission within a year or two imo. Once that happens you’ll get less service since they’ll just want to fuck around since they won’t get paid extra.
I had T-Mobile a long time ago. Was spending like almost 200 dollars for 2 phones and I told my husband it wasn't feasible. We switched to our internet carrier, xfinity. Now we pay less than 100 dollars per month(i wanna say it's 70 dollars right now with our phones paid off....my phone was pretty cheap for 15 dollars a month...I never buy the newest phone). We didn't even have the magenta thing with T-Mobile either. I think we did have the newest phones though at the time. But even without them, it was so expensive. I want to say it was 130 to 150. Never again. They are crooks.
Sureeeeee... Totally lying. Are you okay? I work in food manufacturing, big industry, good pay, mostly rural. Get help bud.
No you just need to be awake at opening and be ready to pay the new price. Or You can use the estimate feature to see the estimated cost that the overnight increase in value created. For example let’s say stock a is at 10, and option b is at .10, so 10$ each. Then the stock overnight goes to 15. On robinhood it will say the price is .1 but that’s only because option don’t move overnight. As soon as it opens it will reflect the “actual” value of the option, let’s say 1, or 100$ each. It doesn’t mean you can place a .1 order at 8am est and think it’s gonna fill cause that option no longer worth .1, it’s worth 1 it’s just that you aren’t allowed to trade it till open. Basically, no free lunch. If it was as easy as looking at which stocks went up overnight and placing arbitrage options plays at open everyone would be doing it. If you decided to just buy the option at whatever price after the 50% overnight on the stock and the stock didn’t go up further you’d just end up actually losing money to theta. In order to make money on options on lunar from yesterdays jump you’d need to have bought it yesterday before close, or earlier. There’s no way to be waking up on the morning and making this play
It's sort of gallows humor. Wendy's is a fast food chain restaurant in the US. At least here, fast food places pay very low, have very high employee turnover, and are always willing to hire some schmuck for below-poverty wages. Working there is a last resort for broke people who have nothing else.
I agree reading charts like this is stupid and really doesn't say anything, but to answer your question, we do know that a recession will happen eventually. It's a natural law of the infinite growth economy. This time could be US deficit, rampant housing prices, sticky inflation, real wage decreases, record household debt etc. Anything that puts a halt to the infinite growth cycle will cause a crash eventually. Real wage decrease very well could do us in this time, it's a problem on a global scale. If no one has any disposable income left to spend, no amount of rate cuts will save the market. Economy looks fine right now on paper, because the metrics we use are limited. Sure, for example, unemployment is low, but does that really matter if the jobs don't pay enough to support spending outside of rent/mortgage and basic groceries?
The gubmint can’t afford to pay high interest rates on new loans (bonds) from investors.
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