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Kayne Anderson MLP Midstream Invest [Kyn/Pf]

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Who downvoted and talked shit about my Intel posts a few days ago? F*ck you kindly regards.
My brother! I was banned. F*k that sub and their mods.
F to the German Government
F to German car manufacturer's
F to DAX index ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)
Seems like pyramid scheme of who gets f over. The guy at the top reaps all the benefits while the debtor is just buying a bit of time. If they couldn’t afford it in an emergency they couldn’t afford it after the emergency. Probably makes better sense to give a bit of protection to those folks vs kicking them while they’re down. The loan shark will still make money, just not as much. I’m simplifying the situation but sometimes that’s better than making it complicated.
Just dropped a whole ass fresh bong bowl on the ground press F boys
Notice how these so called bulls are constantly bashing bears yet the bears never really say nothing unless we’re actually dropping. That little high school drama is for the birds. I’m here to make a bag f@g$
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