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Youtube gig app workers quitting delivery jobs to work a 9-5 and "make money from the stock market" 🤔🤔🤔 At least one of the channels I watch. interesting timing to hear that from non-market folk. 2020 vibes.
Fuck man 2020 thru 2022 was soooooo good. I'm holding on to my gig with bloody knuckles
Ok, thanks for that. So simple math says he owes (at the moment) \~488M (https://trumpdebtcounter.com/) and the stock (at the moment) is 16.14, so he sells off 30,266,418 shares (or so) to cover that.... maybe more to fund the campaign/side-gig, etc. But.... everything I read (here and elsewhere) says once the dump begins, the price will (further) crater, so 30M is likely to be insufficient and so there's an unhealthy feedback loop (the more he sells, the more the stock plummets, thus the more he has to sell)....I'm sure this isn't the first time this kind of dump vs. sell vs. stock price scenario has happened so... Is there a pattern, curve, formula, or some "typical behavior" that covers this kind of event? Or is it just a straight crashline (foregoing weird last minute investments) to 0 (or whenever something stops the trading)
Thats actually the nicest thing you could say man, much appreciated. Im hoping to get back on my feet asap, feel useless without a full time gig. Ive got a side business but its part time
Hint: they won’t. Nowhere to go. Their entire lives are hitched to that gig at Amazon. Insurance coverage, how all those bills of life get paid, even where their shit-eating kids go to school.
I’ve had this suspicion that the labor numbers we’ve been watching are actually not telling the full story. Jobs are very different today than mid-90s. Gig economy, automation, remote outsourced labor and the plethora of ghost job postings didn’t exist at all back then - not to mention the downward pressure from higher immigration. The assumptions back then were a job being listed was a full time position with a decent wage and the company actually needed to fill it. Today that really isn’t the case. Even my firm leaves posts up on indeed and continuously interviews people to get rid of low performers if we find better alternatives. It’s shitty but that’s how it is. On the other hand payroll numbers should factor in these variables and thus far have been steady so perhaps the underlying data of these issues is just not very big.
Being a politician must be so exhausting. Imagine having to pretend to be enraged about every little thing 24/7 when you couldn’t give less of a fuck. You’re permanently in character and the moment you slip your party immediately fires you. The shittiest acting gig on the planet ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
Yeah it's a pretty chill gig and you make good tips usually. Working in a bar does get old but only work 4 days a week so that's nice.
Gotcha! btw is strip club dj a good gig? Perks are good I guess?
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