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No offense but if you can give a detailed version which is pretty good here, I don’t know how the highly educated financial wiz’s can fk this up? Other than their level of fk up is something no one realizes other than Micheal burry types…![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
Yes. Your comment here is the reason the market will move a certain direction today.
You already have a bet going - NVDA to 130.0 before 20-Sep-2024 08:14 AM -05
It's almost like this is just gambling with a negative EV 🤔
I’ve started to take a cup of coffee with me while I empty my morning gut. The new multitask
#Ban Bet Lost /u/swofeloff made a bet that BA would go to 140.8662 within **1 week** when it was 156.518 and it did not, so they were banned for a week. Their record is now 1 wins and 3 losses [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)
#Ban Bet Lost /u/alternative-though made a bet that ASTS would go to 42.0 within **2 weeks** when it was 28.0 and it did not, so they were banned for a week. Their record is now 0 wins and 1 losses [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)
We've been circling the drain since 2007. Could be next week, could be 10 years. There will be another great depression crash. My bet is 2029 for a nice 100 year cycle. Roaring 20s into a depression.
Not at open! They'll back off and let the bids thin out while reaching for gains and then dump liquidity all over that shit at 9:30cst as is tradition. THEN we will get a V after some brief crabbing over lunch and more crabbing during the last hour or so... Only to run up into an ATH during the last 8 minutes of reg hours. You saw it here first folks!
Selling some sports memorabilia this weekend (hopefully) & then taking a detour to Atlantic City before heading home. We sound like we’re cut from the same cloth. What’s your inside number for roullete?
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