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With every trade you have a plan. Stick to the plan. When to take profits, when to cut losses. There is no magic 8 ball. Your 100k is gone, get it out of your head. You have a strategy that works, continue to hit singles all day. Singles win ballgames. If you don’t have a plan. Every time you trade, you are firing from the hip and FOMO can happen.
thats all bs. your crystall ball re credit risk is just as nonexistent as the one re interest rates. you guys lose hundreds of billions over time. proven again and again. the only difference to real traders is: you "trade" in an artificial environment, where the Fed buys all the crap that lost value, if necessary. so you are not a trader. this is pseudo trading. and as soon as these enourmous bond losses matter to the the perception of banks, they will start buying this shit also.....
That's just the 90 day introductory price, then it goes up to 19.99... *per ball*
because at earnings the options have high IV and are always way expensive. Thats why its really stupid to buy options right around earnings, they are super expensive I sold a 8/30/24 131 strike for $450 bought it back after earnings for $12 after earnings. But that High IV is now gone so its back to lower IV and cheaper. If it wasn't for earning that would not have existed. Then I also sold a 10/25 $142 for $270 back in July. bought that back for $170 after earnings. Right now I have 2 sold 10/11/24 130s for $117 each so not as much to be made lower IV. The last price today on those was .83 so thats + $70. Not a lot of money but just trying to chip away and lower that cost basis. Pretty low ball stuff for this sub, where I see people making and losing big cash.
What did Cinderella say when she got to the ball? argle gargle argle burp
I’m saying that I think the downside risk greatly outweighs the upside potential for US markets currently and I won’t be at all surprised to experience a lost decade, or at least a lost half decade, from this point. Obviously no one has a crystal ball, so diversifying away from an all stock portfolio is my suggestion to younger investors.
The markets is as red as the ball in your mouth, now bend over.
Chamath can go chortle on his shithead dad’s shrivelled ball sack.
Ah, the classic 'Google is dogshit' complaint. Next you'll tell me that Google Maps has been leading you in circles and that Gmail’s spam filter is secretly working for the other side. Maybe it's time to switch to using a magic 8-ball for your searches and communication!
I played 10,13,18. Black. And 33 and some red corners It was some horrifically bad spins the ball went flying out on one spin, it hit 0 and 00 3x within 11 spins lmfao
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