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First Horizon Corporation - FXDFR PRF PERPETUAL USD 25 - Ser D 1/400 Dep Sh

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About First Horizon Corporation - FXDFR PRF PERPETUAL USD 25 - Ser D 1/400 Dep Sh

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Narrtor: there won't be a soft landing. Yield curve been inverted longest and deepest. Those that wish for a soft landing can eat a bull D (yes, the last sentence was actually in the narrator script)
You mean bears' d*cks. Fed are using them to extend bols' d*cks
You guys keep saying it’s f%&d yet unemployment numbers are great, inflation dropped a ton and we just got a .50 cut with another .50 to follow. First time I’ve ever seen that at ATH’s. Why not just ride the tide that’s a lot of good news
I got assigned for AVGO. :( But I get to get back into GEO :D
Chuck D drives a Ford. You now know everything positive I've heard about the Ford Motor Corporation in the last 52 years.
Don’t feel bad my friend. I did the same thing at $564. Not that many contracts though :D
The IRS would beg to differ. [https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc409](https://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc409) If your capital losses exceed your capital gains, the amount of the excess loss that you can claim to lower your income is the lesser of $3,000 ($1,500 if married filing separately) or your total net loss shown on line 16 of [Schedule D (Form 1040), Capital Gains and Losses](https://www.irs.gov/forms-pubs/about-schedule-d-form-1040).  This is assuming personal, not corporate. Corporate is fun to play with.
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