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DigitalBridge Group Inc - 7.50% PRF PERPETUAL USD 25 - Ser G

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About DigitalBridge Group Inc - 7.50% PRF PERPETUAL USD 25 - Ser G

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Ni>! g!<er
Glad to help G
I remember when a g wagon cost a hundred bands
As a youngan(23) with nothing in his name but still down thousands trading you just take it like a dirty slut nd keep movin.😂😭Real talk tho G if you keep trading you'll realize money now ain't shit but #'s on a screen nd u grow numb to it a lil. It's still gone hurt like a bitch especially losing that much but aye...can't get rich or even just job free without tryin ya know.
Maybe the iwm call prints a cool 10 g for you?
Not true at all. It was Infineon, then mostly qualcomm. Apple has been trying to g to get intel (who bought Infineon) to be a second source but intel couldn’t deliver and now Apple uses qualcomm while trying to devein in-house solution
>He will be fine. Assuming he takes the L, he is still ahead of the vast majority of college students He already took the L and rolled it into TSLA. G Mah mainlining roids inna nick necks... I should know I sold her mad packets behind Wendy's and rolled prophs into the dumpster, guess who was on shift?
And in a shareholder side of things ..just went from 23 - 50 end of last year …for what reason 🤷 saying it won’t be at 70 in a few years is pretty dumb take then .. made a killing off Microsoft ( which everyone told me was dead in 2013) after I was talked out of Amazon in high school to a bunch of brokers .. I’ll just go with my gut on Intel then, I like Pat g and his ambitions
Bro... close this shit. Odds are terrible and the premium aint worth it. The fuck are you doin G
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