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Corenergy Infrastructure TR IN [Corr/Pa]

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Step 1: start with $150k step 2: come to wsb, getting to $100k is e z p z
I'm a Gen Z female software engineer. Google is very well and alive at both my company and among my friend groups and acquaintances. No one's using ChatGPT regularly that I know of.  Especially my PhD friends are very frustrated by ChatGPT results (they claim they are often very incorrect) but are fairly satisfied with the top search results of Google. I've tried looking into ChatGPT for coding before and it outputs dysfunctional, ugly code for my usecases that take more time to fix than writing from scratch. 
#Ban Bet Won --- /u/Legitimate-Ant-3089 made a bet that Z would go to 58.92 within **4 weeks** when it was 53.56 and it did, congrats gigabrain. Their record is now 1 wins and 0 losses [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)
You already have a bet going - Z to 58.916000000000004 before 15-Sep-2024 06:54 AM -05
What is Redfin’s competitive advantage be Zillow? (I’m much more familiar with Z as a company and product, less familiar with Redfin.)
Oh dam. Matchbox lol. I just remembered breezies I haven't thiught of since like Jay z released his first. Damn
in ukraine case. Z already signed mining rights for US for lithium, iron and some rare metal they just found in 2013
Both the Moto Z and the LG G5 were a failure
You know I think that the deisgn stopped being appealing to Gen Z "abercrombie rich" girls. Last time the iPhone was really cool was in 2021 because of that really nice blue color that every girlie wanted. Now they just have boring colors and features that only nerds care about. Look at the hype around the Samsung flip phone. It just has this Y2K sparkle that every Gen Z tiktok-addicted girl wants nowdays. If you want to really follow the trends and be the best in your market you better know what teenage girls want.
Get a samsung z fold then you will know iphone is just a piece of sht lol
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