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I got kicked off of Instagram in less than 2 days. I am not shocked. I just wanna watch Vegas Pauly C videos!!!
Pull up porkins yer gonna c—
c u cunts on azeroth
This is an original c
Because we’re going to: A) Buy puts at the top B) Buy calls at the bottom C) Buy some idiot’s foreclosed house for pennies on the dollar D) Profit Any questions?
Damn, I wish that were the case here. I'm in the other state that starts with a T and prices in N, K, and C are still crazy high.
Seriously though - things may change eventually but I seen the forest for trees after the first woman; working men have no parental rights and deadbeat women are supported by government programs and working men's child support. Once they get caught in that, there's absolutely no chance they can afford rent, gas, insurance let alone food or a savings account - slavery C/O The United States Government. Should have invested the 20k in something so your kids will have a little extra some day because they'll never see a dime of the "child support". This is exactly what I'm going through right now and why I got into the stock market. Hopefully someday things change on that front - I'll be advocating with Kerri Kasem and Kasem Cares until the day it does. *DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU PATHETIC LITTLE DOWN-VOTES - YOU'D HAVE TO BE A COMPLETE LOSER TO IGNORE AND GO AGAINST SOCIETAL ISSUES THAT MUTILATE CHILD PSYCHOLOGY.
TL;DR 1) There's quite large divergence present when theoretically they tend to move together b/c both are risk on/off instruments 2) Selling NDX and buying GBPJPY will get you positive daily rollover while waiting for them to converge (most important point!) 3) GBPJPY b/c it has higher carry than EUR and i believe it's longer term value is in deeper discount compared to EUR. I wouldn't trade USDJPY b/c i believe USD will drop the next 12 months.
Tell me what to do: I have one 10/18 $6 C at cost of $1.6 So far at +55% gain. Anything is a win. Hold till end of week or dump tomorrow?
Honest Question: What would you do if your LUNR position was currently half in warrants and half in LEAPS (mostly $2.50 C Jan 2026)?  Invested early with the intent to long hold (very bullish on the firm through next year’s IM launches). But it’s a speculative buy (ie, I did not invest any more than I was OK seeing evaporate). Seriously considering selling to play with house money only, but also feel like it could be a ASTS-like rocket (pun intended) and I might end up regretting if I do so. Thoughts? 
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