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lmao this is the only pullback we get? oh lord we goin up B I G tmrw
No you just need to be awake at opening and be ready to pay the new price. Or You can use the estimate feature to see the estimated cost that the overnight increase in value created. For example let’s say stock a is at 10, and option b is at .10, so 10$ each. Then the stock overnight goes to 15. On robinhood it will say the price is .1 but that’s only because option don’t move overnight. As soon as it opens it will reflect the “actual” value of the option, let’s say 1, or 100$ each. It doesn’t mean you can place a .1 order at 8am est and think it’s gonna fill cause that option no longer worth .1, it’s worth 1 it’s just that you aren’t allowed to trade it till open. Basically, no free lunch. If it was as easy as looking at which stocks went up overnight and placing arbitrage options plays at open everyone would be doing it. If you decided to just buy the option at whatever price after the 50% overnight on the stock and the stock didn’t go up further you’d just end up actually losing money to theta. In order to make money on options on lunar from yesterdays jump you’d need to have bought it yesterday before close, or earlier. There’s no way to be waking up on the morning and making this play
Since these options will never be exercised, what is the motivation for anyone to buy them (back) at a higher price following an IV jump? It is a hot potato that is almost sure to expire worthless. Wouldn't an unfavourable B/S spread eliminate most of this theoretical gain?
Smartest economists that work for like jpm. Smartest economists that put triple b equities inside triple a packages. Yeah. Smartest
Sup my regarded b*tch
Just buy down the rate? Why try to time the market? Its a few grand to just lock it in. I built a spreadsheet and ran dozens of scenarios and buying down the rate the max you can is the clear winner in all but ridiculous scenarios like A) you lose the house within 2 years. B) rates fall a point more than the rate you bought down to (2% drop in two years). Every single other scenario makes you a clear winner buying the rate down.
> WSB is a gambling sub for autists who think they’re so regarded they’ve looped back into being a genius First of all, what's the difference b/w an autist and a regard? > simmer on low heat IQ The term for this is "midwittery"; the midwits are the ones who have just enough knowledge to be pretentious about what they know. This is where the IQ curve meme comes from. > The mission of this sub... Rolex for their bankruptcy lawyer. Sounds like something a gay bear would say 🤣 🤣 🤣 In all seriousness, leaving money in the bank or putting into any of said gay bear investment vehicles like bonds is basically giving your money to the corrupt establishment over a long enough period of time. That's why people _have_ to invest; you either invest and risk the 99% chance of becoming poor or you don't invest and accept the 100% chance of becoming poor. **Conclusion:** The Titanic is sinking, and the rich are already starting to load up the fine China. You can either take a chance on the lifeboat that some idiot on YouTube is allegedly offering, even at the risk that he'll just betray you and throw you overboard in the end, or you can go down with the ship. Sadly, some people are so attached to the notion of the ship's stability that they'll gladly choose the latter.
Bears: “b-b-b-but ackually guys… *pulls up glasses* 🤓 50 bps cut really means economy is really bad ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421) the recession from 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 is about to happen.
b\*tches == batches got it!!
Because we’re going to: A) Buy puts at the top B) Buy calls at the bottom C) Buy some idiot’s foreclosed house for pennies on the dollar D) Profit Any questions?
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