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It has had sideways price action for the last 10 months. This is one of my favorite fallen angel set ups. I am aware of the structure where insiders are paying themselves with stock. But this isn’t new information and is baked into the price IMO. Ultimately it’s a flyer for me on EV. I like Tesla monthly pattern. The 4 year sideways action is a long term consolidation to me and I think in medium to long term, it will fly hence my shares in TSLL (Leveraged TSLA ETF). EV is an old and forgotten trade, and I like entering when the crowd and attention has left This is mainly why I owned so much GBTC ETHE and CLSK mid 2023. The crowd had left crypto after the 2022 crash.
#Ban Bet Lost /u/QuintonBigBrawler made a bet that CLSK would go to 14.0 within **3 weeks** when it was 10.917 and it did not, so they were banned for a week. Their record is now 4 wins and 2 losses [**Join WSB Discord**](
#Ban Bet Lost /u/Over-Neighborhood128 made a bet that CLSK would go to 13.5 within **1 week** when it was 12.725 and it did not, so they were banned for a week. Their record is now 8 wins and 17 losses [**Join WSB Discord**](
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