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Either A) leave a runner in and move your stop loss or B) Size down so you have more confidence to hold longer during the pull backs.
[]( It's a complex issue with mRNA patent litigation, government contracts, production capacities and so on. I have written a lot more about that on Reddit and elsewhere. Take a look at Moderna, they would be the first to develop an mRNA vaccine and got government funding for phase 3 trials: []( CureVac and GSK are also developing an mRNA vaccine, but with the licensing agreements and patent litigation it's more complicated: []( []( []( Cidara is very promising, with a much lower market cap. Phase 2b trials for CD388 are starting this year. "The private placement provides $240 million in gross proceeds that will be used by Cidara to develop CD388 as a universal preventative against seasonal and pandemic influenza A and B, beginning with a Phase 2b clinical trial in the upcoming Northern Hemisphere influenza season. The proceeds from the private placement fund the upfront payment under the agreement with Johnson & Johnson and are expected to provide runway beyond topline data from CD388’s Phase 2b trial." []( They actually have a company presentation on Monday: []( Check out their website, they even made a video for Youtube: []( []( You can see typical press coverage below, but be careful about Novavax, they somehow always get mentioned, but never answered my requests for clarification: [](
Moderna [\_receives\_project\_award\_through\_bardas/]( CureVac/GSK [\_announces\_start\_of\_combined\_phase\_12/]( Cidara is promising, but might need a bit longer. Phase 2b trials for CD388 are starting this year. "The private placement provides $240 million in gross proceeds that will be used by Cidara to develop CD388 as a universal preventative against seasonal and pandemic influenza A and B, beginning with a Phase 2b clinical trial in the upcoming Northern Hemisphere influenza season. The proceeds from the private placement fund the upfront payment under the agreement with Johnson & Johnson and are expected to provide runway beyond topline data from CD388’s Phase 2b trial." [](
I need something affordable and stable. Most treasury bonds want 24k minimum. CD's want 1000. With BRK/B I can almost ensure more than 5.05% Intetest over 3 month through to February.
Awesome work :) Why BRK-B and not a short term treasury ETF for savings?
Nasty b*stard OP
For normal people it means investing in low-risk assets that can create a decent passive income in order to live comfortably in old age, or just straight up saving money for later. Boring and prey-like.  For regards in this sub it means getting rich before your mid-40s by exclusively speculating with options (plan A) or becoming homeless (plan B). Based and locked-in. 
>>>Therefore if ( IF!!) banks are able to hold those bonds until they mature… this chart is a nothingburger. >>>But if there are any bank runs or other reasons the banks would need to liquidate those bonds in the secondary market… then those losses would become realized and then banks are fucked (see regional bank crisis from last year). Work in banking regulation and this guy is spot on. Will add a) there’s other ways banks can source liquidity, b) this could quickly reverse with fed cuts and recent lowering of the long end of the yield curve and c) these “losses” have different durations. Meaning most banks can just wait it out. SVB was just a particular brand of cocky and ignorant.
nice, back in the day (15+ years ago) swim tested 2c-i, 2c-e, 2c-b, 5-meo-dmt, 5-meo-dipt, 4-aco-dipt but never really liked any of them, pretty dirty always avoided 2ct2/2ct7 didn't want to end up locked in a death loop in a sci-fi movie irl haha good times
I feel bad for you but let's roll in those tendies b
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