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Nope. Decent entry point right now if you agree with the bearish sentiment. I don't think inflation is priced in to the company's margins yet ( I expect it to be reflected this EPS release). I work in logistics, I've been watching distributors trimming their over head costs with shipping rates trying to stave off markups on their products/commodities. The shock to retailers has yet to set in fully. Consumer spending is down 60% on building materials .. coming off the COVID highs, and that renovation boom. Distribution centers are a mess right now. Supply chain issues are shuttering production and I can't say for sure but I believe it's a liquidity issue.
welcome to the post ‘work’ economy, this is it’s casino lobby
Intel calls and SPY puts, call me regarded but it might work ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)
Agent 747 is going to have his work cut out for him. He's already used "suicide" and "infection" so the next ones are going to have to be creative. 
I would bet my life savings you don't work in the semi industry
Laid off, located in Georgia so I have to make magic happen and pull money out of the air until my severance comes, I cannot receive unemployment because of the severance pay. This is fucking bullshit. California and Texas have already started to receive theirs. Fuck Elon I hope he fails from here out he has ruined thousands of families. Meanwhile he makes jokes on X the same day of layoffs so his butt buddy Donald and anyone obsessed with gore and murder can see(because what else is even on that platform) Elon has no loyalty, comes from blood diamond money and is no better than communist leaders Fuck you Elon! Hope somone actually gets to receive credit for the work they put in at Tesla because you are just the richest con man. Not smart, otherwise how the hell do you have to do a massive layoff every year. People are numbers and he’s just a BOT!
What I did was not work for Boeing! Everyone in the industry knows they're a bunch of goldbrickers over there
They say the exact same thing every time. They will ALWAYS do whatever it takes to keep people WORKING and not crash the market. They DO NOT CARE about getting inflation to 2%. They change how inflation is measured if they need to. They knew inflation would skyrocket and just lied about it and said “well we’ll just see what happens but we have a good feeling we can print money and not cause inflation” but they knew. They will ALWAYS protect assets from nose diving and keep people working by inflating the currency. They will ALWAYS choose inflation over decreasing prices. Hell, they chose to FLATTEN things after massive inflation instead of bringing them back down to normal. They sit there and see the economy BOOMING and NO ONE losing their jobs and assets staying pumped and say “well we did it guys see inflation isn’t as bad as it once was that one time and people are working more than ever” while knowing exactly what they did. They will continue to retire asset owners and make sure those who do not own anything work and they do not care about you not being able to afford anything. They have no other choice they say. It’s how the system is designed. They REFUSE to cause ANY real economic pain in order to bring things back to affordable. This FED group wants you working and working more and more so they can keep saying “eh we’ll just wait and see what happens.” But they know rates where they are will not destroy inflation. Prices will never go down. They sold normal people out to maintain inflated asset prices while keeping them working. They have nothing new to say other than “wow we’re so great we didn’t guys yeah we’re totally watching the numbers and duh if things change we’ll do something but for now we are still aiming for our huge inflation to just go up a little less and to keep everyone working just so they can’t buy a home or save fire retirement but if you’ve already got those things don’t worry we will keep those prices elevated and going up” Which is exactly why stonks will go up.
You didn’t get a 5% pump overnight. Sorry. It doesn’t work like that. Try again at open
Do I get a special deal when hiring a hitman, if I work at boeing?
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