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I read this and Got Coin Calls and Mara Calls for next week. Thank you 🙏
Pretty wild bitcoin has their earnings on Thursday with COIN, MARA, MSTR
$mara moon pls
PIN, ETSY, RIOT, MARA, ARM, Microsoft and APPLE? This week is loaded with
MARA fucked me hard today
Gawd damn MARA is down 10%...Calls here before the conference?
MARA back to 18, dw ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)
Wow... MARA. That's fucking ugly. Taking it way harder than MSTR or COIN.
Damn MARA, look the fuck around, SPY green, BTC within 10% of ATH, what the fuck is going to make you move!?
MARA getting hammered even with BTC near ATH's. Must be nice to fuk with SP.
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