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Total World Stock Index ETF Vanguard

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You are thinking about this small picture If you dollar cost VT for 5 years and it’s down 20% after 5 years, honestly congrats. You have plenty of money to pull out for your so called doomsday scenario, assuming you’re an idiot and don’t have at least 3 months expenses in a checking account. Everyone will be shitting themselves in that future I’d imagine so you don’t get much sympathy from friends and such. More than likely, and **historically** you’ll be up a large amount. The risk of not dollar cost averaging for the next 10 years is way higher than the risk of waiting to assess the risk later
I don't disagree.. But unless he's a crunchy old boomer bogglehead is boring and less rewarding than even stacking spy or Qqq.. Qqq has done me incredible just cost averaging. VT has been so conservative
The app is called fidelity and OP keeps buying VT every paycheck and holds for years.
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