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Vertiv Holdings Co - Class A

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Sold my Vrt puts at -6%![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
loaded up on VRT calls
It's rigged. Sorry I bought calls on vrt.
this VRT dump is fucking stupid af
VRT dump more than TSLA on strong guidance is insane
Yikes, Sorry to see that happen. This is why you never play earnings, it's just gambling. If it were that easy to just buy calls because the earnings were good then everyone would be a millionaire. This is also the reason you don't buy weekly options into earnings, they're already priced in and any big swing ruins you. With that much money why wouldn't you just buy month long expirations, downsize before earnings then pick up the dip? It's all just gambling, I was eyeing VRT earning, and they crushed it only to drop massively it is never a sure fire method.
VRT mooning! Another good news for semi: Vertiv Holdings Raised FY24 Guidance For Revenue To $7.59B - $7.74B (From $7.54B - $7.69B Prior) Vs $7.69B Est
VRT SMASHED The good guys are winning!
Drifting off to sleep peacefully knowing that Google will be down another $5 when I wake. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) VRT calls for tomorrow morning obviously going to hit also - omniscience is a gift.
Why Vrt up when everything else down
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