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Advisorshares Star Global Buy-Write ETF

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If the offer price is confirmed and accepted in the 30s and you have $40 leaps, they will plummet in value. The only value left will be betting on the deal falling through, which will cause the stock to tank in the short term anyway, or a better deal coming through which is unlikely Before it's confirmed, you profit from volatility - you actually want higher vega, not lower. You also want higher delta Leaps ain't the move if you believe the acquisition could happen much sooner than expiry. You're wasting money on extra time value that will go to 0
No because I bought them a long time ago and long dated options are also less susceptible to vega.
Could you share what the Greeks are on these, esp. the Vega on 570? I’m just curious.
When IV is low just buy long dated OTM calls and wait for the vega gang payday Works 100% of the time with GME if you got leaps and unload on IV spikes
1) Economics 101 SOME microeconomics (people underestimate its importance) but MOSTLY Macroeconomics to understand the basics 2) Finance to learn about various assets such as stocks, bonds, commodities etc 3) Derivatives such as options (what we regards do) and futures 4) Then learn about fundamental analysis, how to value companies and such (reading company 10-k and 10-q etc.) 5) The absolute basics of technical analysis (ie support and resistance, trend lines SOME indicators like RSI) 6) Then specialize and learn basic options strategies (ie spreads, theta gang, vega plays etc.) 7) Learn more advanced options strategies and concepts (dealer delta hedging, VIX, options on futures etc.) 8) Then paper trade to try and gain an edge AFTER extensive failures trying to understand the craziness of the financial markets 9) Try to work at a prop trading firm and learn from quants etc 10) CONSTANTLY keep up with economic/industry news to try and get an edge against people much smarter than you All kidding aside this is what you'll do if you're serious about this game
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