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Not that delusional Ber cares but debt service payments to income: They live in conspiracy fantasy land.
What about Haley G 😯
I am part of Andrew Tates gang. I paid for his 5000 peso hustler course and now I just be straight g and a sigma. I just be grindin against the matrix 24/7 like boiiiiiii.
Ouch. My late wife once said (when BTC was in the $40,000's in 2021..."you're a computer nerd, how do you not have Bitcoin"... I said...with all we've been through, (spec. Needs son $$$) Do you really think I'd still be holding it? If I bought that shit in 2011, I would have sold it after making g 40%...if it less. We were desperate.
Delta took ownership of the plane in 1990. G H W Bush was President, and G W Bush hadn't been elected TX governor yet. Due to regulations, the slide has to be taken out and tested every 3yrs, so at least 10 times so far. It also has to be replaced at least every 15yrs, so it should be on the 3rd slide. Boeing has nothing to do with the maintenance, nor the replacement slides. Would you say it is Ford's fault that the 3rd starter on a 1990 F150 had issues?
Kehu on 🕘 g g gfgfgg
SBF, or "Big Daddy Pappa G" as he now goes by in prison,
It’s actually gnarly.  With a g.  I’ll see myself out.  
If you were given the choice of the title of 'FartMaster' and everyone had to call you that in public or if they are otherwise unfamiliar with you, would you take it? It would not confer any other benefits directly, but there could be possibly followers or women that want to say they fucked the FartMaster. Then again could be guys wanting to say they kicked the FartMaster's ass... double edged sword. Possibly could get some sponsorships too; but they'd likely be limited. Maybe something with Febreze/P&G but I could see Taco Bell or even Wendy's doing something. At the very least you'd be recorded in history, so there's always that. As languages change, the FartMaster moniker could even take on a more mysterious or mystical tone. Maybe even one day you'd be worshipped as a deity by our post-apocalyptic descendants.
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