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g-d damn it!
Ok ok Jerome I will take your Big D
"He said I gave you a big d*ck so GO EXTRA HARD!!!!"
9 Million dollar market cap. Any regard can P&D this.
Rest In Peace Paul Reubens, choser of D
Here’s one for you WSB. If a girl confronts you for staring at her do you: A) Apologize, stop, and leave. B) Hardcore deny even if you were C) Firmly grasp her boob while making direct eye contact and shake it as if you were shaking her hand D) furiously masturbate then and there EDIT: STOP CHEATING YOU RITARDS THERE IS NO OPTION E!!!
Yes, basically. If they dissolve now, they´d only loose about 85 % & of the value. Of course those, who actually invested money would loose far more than that. But he would still make a decent buck.
$100 billion. Where did you d you get 30
"The S&P 500 has experienced notable growth in 2024, with a year-to-date return of approximately 15% as of mid-September. Whereas our Our XYZ fund returned -4.3% in August after all fees, bringing our y-t-d performance to +5.6%." Why on earth anybody pays for XYZ fund?
My $15 puts expire in December just to ensure we make it through the election :D
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