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Options? I’ve been sober for 10 months now. Just doing shares now and since then, I’ve outperformed the snp by 14%. I’m up 35% year to date. I have reformed into an actual value investor.
Somewhat.  An example that could be found in Tbill issuance.  It takes 6-12 months before tbills start to exert a downforce on the economy after interest rates are raised, and the same amount of time for that force to dissipate after rates are cut. There are a handful of mechanics/aspects that are counterintuitive.  Look at things in general.  Rates started going up and QT began in 2022.  The SnP ATH was 4800.  Rate increases and QT should have brought it down. Yet here were are almost 3 years later... the SnP is up over 15% even though that m2 is slightly lower.  Now, people still think that the market will go up more when rates are cut, ignoring that it did the opposite of what it was supposed to do when rates were increased. Another misconception is that there is a ton of extra cash in the system because of all the printing the Fed did.  That's not the case.  The economy is starting to run dangerously low on available cash.  This was the primary reasons behind the drops in mid April and the beginning of the last two months.  We'll most likely see another significant drop at the turn of the month again.
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