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Public Storage - 4.75% PRF PERPETUAL USD 25 - Dp Rp 1/1000 Ser K

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About Public Storage - 4.75% PRF PERPETUAL USD 25 - Dp Rp 1/1000 Ser K

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Anyone with a modicum of a brain will do that. But, that is gay. And we are here to get rich not retire rich. I’m here for lambo money not retirement and trust fund money. Fu@k that.
i think the guy you're referring to was having like 80000% of vitamin K a day or something. 80g protein in a meal isn't a problem or even crazy.. I regularly do 100g shakes and have for the past ten years. You are probably obese or anorexic if you thought these things tbh
Today’s market traders were swimming in their daddy’s socks when Enron happened. Wait till they get a real good scandal before they learn don’t fuck with a company that’s fudging their 10-K
Biyons and biyons and biyons of Asians are pouring into the country ✋I didn't want to say it, they're pouring in like NOBODYS business 👉✋, and look, 10 years ago....ONE of them touched my brother, its true👉👌, touched him at a K-mart. He was 37.
Form 10-K is their annual financial statements - arguably the single most important piece of information for investors. If they are withholding / delaying that, they are either highly incompetent or have something to hide / can't resolve with their auditors. SMCI holders are fucked, big puts.
Let’s play with real numbers, say an annual salary of 200,000 in a state with income tax, take out insurance for a family, pretax 401(k) maxed and some short-term long-term disability, just in case. That gives you about $6500 per month. Let’s take two car payments plus insurance out of that, let’s toss in the mortgage, gas, food expenses, life insurance, dance lessons for the kids, cable/internet, utilities, clothes and saving a little for a house account for emergencies like a new roof. Now you have 2k left for IRA/brokerage accounts. That doesn’t get you to 1m in 5 years.
PSA: if you are addicted to watching markets and having open positions, slake that thirst with theta™. Best theta play is >!selling puts!<, secured with cash, and hoping they expire worthless. It's still bullish, you still get to stare at the screen and trade often, but odds are *generally* in your favor if you're not highly regarded about it. Edit: comment not directed at OP, some of you can still be saved
Gamestock gay boys are celebrating 21.80. PSA. Your ceo fucked you. Too many shares now for moass.
I made good money on Smci put the past few weeks and this week my puts shit the bed. I’m done with Smci options until they sort out their 10-k
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